Prevention in the field of health covers all preventive actions, which aim to avoid or reduce the occurrence, development and severity of accidents, illnesses and disabilities that may affect a population. Prevention concerns all generations, all socio-professional categories and all communities, and takes place at several levels: universal, selective and targeted. Outside France, although philosophies differ, prevention is being organised.
GAMIFICATION, testing...
On the other side of the Atlantic, in the US, testing in so-called “primary” prevention is gaining ground. Aetna’s policyholders can be tested in the CVS pharmacy network for a number of basic risks (temperature, pulse, blood pressure, diabetes, etc.). CVS are now owners of Aetna, and linking such services was a major consideration to the transaction. Other leading insurers are taking a similar approach with United Healthcare building a massive brand in OPTUM, now operating in over 150 countries worldwide.
In South Africa, the insurer Discovery launched the Vitality programme some time ago, and it now has traction in a number of territories around the globe. The model is simple: the more effort the policyholder makes, the healthier they are and the more discounts they receive on their insurance premium and related health and fitness services
and products. Many countries, including Australia and Japan, have adopted this principle based on gamification.
If you are interested in this topic, the Cegedim Insurance Solutions team is at your disposal to answer to all your questions.